Ian Wilkinson
Today mAbsolve along with collaborators at RIC and Protein Stable, published a peer-reviewed article analysing over 70 different Fc silencing variants that have been reported in the literature. This by far the most comprehensive analysis of silencing variants ever reported. mAbsolve’s STR mutations are included in this report and are identified as superior based on … Read more
mAbsolve has now had patents for the STR silencing mutations granted in the United States (US12037380B2), Canada (CA3179582), United Kingdom (GB2595299B), Australia (AU2021277578B2) and Japan (JP7434609B2). We continue to push forward with our applications in other territories and expect these to be awarded in due course.
mAbsolve will be exhibiting at the Festival of Biologics in Basel on the 10-12th of October. We will be located in the startup zone will also have a poster with a more detailed description of our technology in the poster area. Please do come along and chat with us to understand how we can help … Read more
Our CEO, Geoff Hale, has been confirmed as a keynote speaker at Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics 2023 in Amsterdam. Geoff will be talking about the diversity of antibody formats and modiciations utilised in the clinic and in particular focussing on Fc silencing and the work mAbsolve has done to compare it’s STR silencing mutations with … Read more